Effective October 1, 2018, Fort Osage Fire Protection District has received an upgrade in ISO Fire Protection Insurance Class Ratings. ISO ratings are created and used by insurance companies to define the risk factors of your property and to determine property insurance rates. 

The Fort Osage Fire Protection District received upgraded ISO ratings as follows: 

  • ISO CLASS 2 : Within five (5) road miles from the nearest fire station and 1,000 feet of a hydrant.
  • ISO CLASS 4 : Within five (5) road miles from the nearest fire station but further than 1,000 feet of a hydrant.
  • ISO CLASS 10 : Further than five (5) miles of a fire station and further than 1,000 feet of a hydrant. 

The previous ratings were Class 3, Class 5 and Class 10, respectively. 

In June 2018, the Insurance Services Office (ISO) evaluated the Fire District. As a private company, ISO, provides information to the insurance agencies by determining class ratings based on the capabilities of the Fire District. This is determined by rating the Department based on emergency communications (10 percent), a review of the fire department procedures (50 percent) and the available water supply (40 percent). Fire Districts across the nation are graded on these factors, rating from a scale of Class 1 (the highest rating) to Class 10. 

The Fort Osage Fire Protection District is a career emergency services district which provides fire protection, paramedic ambulance service, special rescue, hazardous materials and a variety of non-emergency service to patrons within 110 square miles of Northeastern Jackson County. Protection is provided to the cities of Buckner, Levasy, Sibley, River Bend, and parts of un- incorporated Jackson County. Coverage is provided out of three facilities: Station 1/Headquarters in Buckner, Station 2 at Blue Mills and Koger Rd and Station 3 in the Salem East Subdivision. 

Please contact Fort Osage Fire Protection District Administration with any further questions. (816) 650- 5811.